April 2017

Here's your April Update from the Island Park Towers Residents' Association. If you no longer wish to be on our email list, please let us know.

Walking Group starts up Monday May 1: Mondays and Wednesdays - we leave the lobby of 195 at 7 p.m. and walk past the other lobbies before heading off for about a 30 minute loop. We walk at the speed of the slowest walker. Come out for some fresh air and conversation with your neighbours!

Biking Group: The group is looking for someone to lead it since Ed will be off biking in other countries for much of the summer. If you are interested, please let us know. If you are interested in going out for leisure bike rides (at the speed of the slowest rider) send us your contact information and we'll add you to the group.

June 21 will be the Summer Solstice Potluck Dessert and Open Mic Towers of Talent. On the Patio by 195, from 6:30 to 7:30. Come share a dessert and/or your talent with your neighbours as we rejoice at the longest day of the year. This being Ottawa, rain date is set for June 22!


July will be the summer BBQ. We are looking to change things up a bit this year and get some different food offerings. We'll have more details, including a date, shortly.


If you are headed off on Summer holidays, don't forget to help yourself to a book or two from the Residents' book exchange (outside the Tuck Shop in 195.) Remember, dead-tree books can be read on the beach without worry about sand in the electronics, or, on a plane without having to worry about the batteries dying.


A new smaller bookcase has been added for videos or music. Those are in high demand and seldom stay on the shelf more than a few hours.

We notice from the speed at which books come and go that we have some avid readers here at IPT. If you are interested in a Book Club let us know and we'll forward your name to the person who thought it might be a good social activity next winter.

Indoor Window Washing: As a follow up to their presentation in February, Seniors on Site has asked that we let you know if several apartments were booked on the same date, for a small apartment they will waive the two hour minimum and the fee would be $29.


If the apartment is larger and all the windows can not be cleaned within a one hour time frame, then they will charge their hourly rate of $29 for each hour required.


They will co-ordinate the dates and time. If interested, please call 613 422-7676 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The IPTRA is looking for an additional building representatives for 195 since one of the representatives has moved away. Let us know if you are interested in helping out.  The duties include helping put up signs, delivering newsletters to those without email, participating in events and being friendly to your neighbours. It helps if you can attend meetings a few times a year to provide direction for the IPTRA.

Now, step away from the email, and get out and enjoy the wonderful sunshine!