
IPTRA Privacy Policy

The Island Park Towers Residents' Association is a volunteer organization organizing social events to bring a sense of community to residents of our three apartment towers on Clearview Avenue.  See Who We Are for more details.

Only on a consent basis do we collect the names, telephone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses of:
 - current and past members of the IPTRA, and
 - people who have indicated to us they wish to be informed of IPTRA events and business.

This information is maintained on the cloud under password-only access by only the IPTRA executives responsible for the web site maintenance, the membership and contacts list maintenance, and the president.

Note that the information of past members is maintained solely as a convenience in anticipation of their renewal of their annual dues.  The IPTRA is not automatically informed that members have moved away from the towers.

The collected data is used to track annual membership dues obligations and to inform recipients of information related to the association including, but not limited to, regular meeting announcements, certain event announcements, and urgent community action notifications (such as has happened during localized flooding one year).

The collected information is never sent to third parties.

The collected information is not subject to automated decision making or profiling tasks.

At any time anyone can ask that their information be removed from the records by contacting the executive.

At any time anyone can ask questions regarding the maintenance of their private information or the running of the association in general.  Please contact the executive to do so.

The IPTRA executive can be reached at any time using email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dated: 2018-05-25

Who are we? (2017)

We are the Island Park Towers Residents' Association, a volunteer group of residents at Island Park

The current board is made up of:
President: Kathryn Holman
Membership Secretary: Ed Ellis
From 185: Nancy Hamnes
From 195: Ken Holman, Janice Periera
From 200: Julia Brady, Joe & Joan Pinto, Lynne White, Jane Nugent

Who Are The Members?

The group represents about 20% of the units in the complex but that number includes recently
lapsed members as we have not actively promoted renewals.
Since all events run by the IPTRA are open to all residents, our members are those who, through
their dues, their volunteer efforts and their presence at events, support the IPTRA's work of bringing
residents together in social settings to foster a community spirit, develop friendships, and help
create a safer neighbourhood within the buildings.

What Are the Dues?

Dues are $10 per apartment per year.
The money is used to finance the running of events for all residents and communication through a
number of methods. Those who do pay dues are investing in their community. And in return, as a
member you have a say in the direction of the group and can serve on the board.

What Sort of Events?

Currently: Summer BBQ, Halloween Trick or Treating, Christmas Party, Book/DVD/CD/Plant
exchange, interest talks and music evenings.
Non-event items: Residents' Library (located in the back lobby of 195 across, past the elevators) ,
"classified" ads on our website for those IPTRA members offering goods and services, creating a
knowledge base of tips that make living here better (for instance, the giveaway shelf in the
basement garage.) There is also a facebook group (follow the link from the www.IPTRA.org
Advocacy: While we will not deal with individual issues the IPTRA may assist residents who want to
organize to lobby for a certain issue by connecting tenants with each other and the right resources.

IPTRA informed of Rent Review Group Meeting

The group responding to the rent review of the recent proposed increase has informed the IPTRA that there is a meeting of those interested in helping and organizing a response.  The meeting is being held in the lobby of 200 Clearview on Sunday, April 10,  2016 at 16:00.

Please note that this group is not part of the IPTRA and the IPTRA is not in a position to comment on or answer questions regarding the group or its activities.

Landlord-Tenant Announcement

Note: The IPTRA does not get involved with individual issues between the landlord and tenants so if you have a concern, this might help you find resources to get it resolved.

Landlord - Tenant  Announcement

November 9 Legal Services & Tenant Rights Information Session

An interactive session about legal services and your rights at a tenant with the Community Legal Education and Outreach Division of the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic at Carlingwood Library on Monday, November 9 at 2 pm. Registration is recommended. For more information go to biblioottawalibrary.ca

Note: The IPTRA does not get involved with individual issues between the landlord and tenants so if you have a concern, this might help you find resources to get it resolved.

Upcoming general meeting

The IPT Residents' Association is holding a general meeting October 26, 2015 at 7:00pm in the lobby of 200 Clearview Ave.  Everyone is welcome!  Memberships can be purchased that evening. The purpose of the meeting is to confirm the executive and discuss the restructuring of the association regarding advocacy and activities. 

We will also discuss what projects volunteers can be part of.  We will be looking for your input as to what you want from your residents' association.