January 24, 2024 Newsletter

January 25:  There's a change, the Evening with a Designer has been postponed.
Instead, drop by for an Old-time Board Games Night (not to be confused with the board games young adults play.)  In the social room, starting at 7 p.m.

There will be Parcheesi, Scrabble, Careers, Clue, Chinese Checkers, and whatever you bring to the mix. We can also set up a table if a jigsaw puzzle is more to your liking. 
January 27: Saturday,  2:30 - 5 p.m. Fabric Exchange/De-stash  Clean out material you won't be using, or pick up something new to work with. Everyone is welcome. Please bring your fabrics and crafting materials. There will be a scrap table and a notions table (buttons, zippers, patterns, yarn, etc...)  Please bring your items between 2 and 2:30 to set them up. Leftover Fabric etc. will be donated to IWSO
February 1, Thursday, 4:30 p.m. Pub Night at Churchill's Pub on Richmond Rd.
February 7, Wednesday, 12:00 Brown Bag Lunch Drop by the social room with your lunch for a chance to have some socialization with your meal. 
February 10 Saturday, 1 - 3:30 p.m. Westboro Beach Winter Carnival (Not an IPTRA Event but supported by volunteers from the buildings.)  Held on the Selby Plain (Churchill and Selby) and there will be chili and a bonfire to roast marshmallows over to keep you warm while joining in with the family activities. More details are at: 
There is a sign up form if you know you are attending so they can plan for food. 


Everything is free, all are welcome. 
February 17th, in the social room at 195  3 - 5:00 ish The Barnyard Races Are Back! 
Come join in the fun while 2 cows, a horse, a sheep, a donkey, and a goat (all toys) race each other, their speed determined by a throw of die. Bring quarters if you want a place a very small bet to make the race a bit more exciting. All the proceeds are distributed back to the winners, this is not a fundraiser, it is a FUN raiser.
Also February 17th 5:00ish - whenever   Appetizer Pot Luck in the social room. 
Rather than a full pot luck dinner, we're going to tray making a meal of appetizers. Join us by sharing a plate of appetizers. In this case, the definition of an appetizer is anything that can be eaten off a napkin with fingers.

This reduces the amount of plates and cutlery we'll be putting into the garbage and should reduce the number of leftovers (a problem with pot luck dinners.)

Those who have experienced this form of potluck at other social groups report that there will be enough food to make a meal and offers more variety. 

February 22: Stuff Exchange. This will be organized by Homestead and we'll have signs with the hours after working out the details. It is the same as our usual stuff exchanges, except that it will be the first of the monthly ones and by offering it during the week, afternoon and evening, hopefully more tenants will be able to participate and we can divert more from landfill. 

Remember,  aside from these stuff exchanges, anything left out on the tables or in the garage by tenants is picked up by staff and put in the garbage unless another tenant takes it first. So if your goal is to share an item with life left in it, please wait for the stuff exchanges. 

In other news: 
With the warmer weather coming up this weekend, it is anticipated that the snow bears in the woods will be making an appearance. Perhaps even with a groomed walking path so we can wander through to see them. 

We are wondering if there is a make-up consultant resident here who would be interested in doing an afternoon session of make-up for the mature woman? If you are interested in offering something like this, please let me know. 

The sing-along evening was a great success.  The next one will be in March (date to be decided) with Irish music as the theme. If you play an instrument, consider joining in the fun. 

Finally, there is a resident asking if there is anyone in the buildings who knits or crochets for others. Again, let me know so I can connect you. 