July 2016

It has been a quarter year since the last newsletter. While the IPTRA didn't get involved with the Rent Review, members of the executive were involved and busy with it so we've been quiet here. The executive has finally met and here are the plans for the next three months:

July 13: Annual Residents' BBQ, 5 - 7 p.m., on the patio at 195.

Food sold by Newport Restaurant: burgers, hot dogs, chicken or veggie burgers, pizza, salads. Bring your own chairs to be guaranteed a seat! Free dessert for IPTRA members. All are welcome. IPTRA memberships and renewals will be sold at the event.

August 9: Island Park Towers of Talent – Open Mic evening. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

On the Patio at 195. Come sign up for one of the 10 – 12 slots for story telling, playing a song, sharing a piece of poetry or a joke. Each 'act' will be under 5 minutes. Sign-up will start at 6 p.m. For more information or to sign up early, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Everyone is welcome.

September 21: Annual Meeting of the IPTRA. 7 p.m. in the lobby of 200. Reports from the executive, election of the 2016/17 executive and input from members as to what activities they'd like to see. Memberships and renewals will be sold from 6:30 p.m. Only IPTRA members will have a vote at the meeting.

Also in September we'll be having an interest talk on Growing Micro-greens in Your Apartment. Date to be announced.

Don't forget:

Walking Club – Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. We walk for 30 minutes. Come on out, everyone is welcome, no-one is left behind!
Bike Club – Those interested, please contact Ed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-406-8722. All are welcome, no-one will be left behind!

Thank you to Ahmad Farhat of the Clearview Place Tuck Shop for his ongoing support of the IPTRA and service to the residents of Island Park Towers.

Our current focus is on improving both activities and communicating those activities to the residents. As a result, we're in the process of setting up a dedicated IPTRA bulletin board in each mail room and a suggestion box at the tuck shop so members who don't use computers will have a way of sending notes to us.

The website (IPTRA.org) and facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/IPTRA/) remain the best way to communicate with the IPTRA for those who for whom the internet is second nature.  The facebook group is also a great way to find out neighbourhood news (like the opening of Farm Boy or the proposed closing of the eastern East-bound 417 on-ramp.)

We are lucky to live next to the bike paths, Westboro Beach, great summer patios for food and drink, quick access to the transit way to take in the festivals downtown, Farm Boy for a wide variety of prepared meals on the days it is too hot to think about cooking and our air conditioned apartments to helps us get decent sleeps on hot nights! Whether you stay in town or escape the city, we wish you a safe and sun-filled summer.