August 2016

Two events this week we thought we should highlight, both this week on Tuesday:

Tuesday, August 9,

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
or so.
The IPTRA Bicycle Group is planning a leisurely ride. We will go west from Champlain Bridge on the Quebec side of the river--a very pretty route.  Please join us at the bicycle rack in front of 195 Clearview at 2 PM if your bicycle is calling you!

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.  Island Park Towers of Talent – Open Mic evening.

On the Patio at 195. Come sign up for one of the 10 – 12 slots for story telling, playing a song, sharing a piece of poetry or a joke. Each 'act' will be under 5 minutes. Sign-up will start at 6 p.m. For more information or to sign up early, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Everyone is welcome. 


The weather looks wonderful for both these events!


As well, walking club (which is really just a couple of us wandering the neighbourhood for 30 minutes) will continue on Mondays and Wednesday at 7 p.m. With Kathryn's summer vacation over, she'll be there most of those days until the fall.  If you are interested in a walk at your pace, please come and join her.


A Suggestion Box/Membership Drop-off has now been put in the Clearview Place Tuck Shop at 195 so we have a place to receive feedback from you, in addition to email.


In the next few weeks, IPTRA Bulletin boards will be installed in each mail room so everyone will have a space to watch for announcements.


A reminder that our annual meeting is coming up on September 21. Please save that date and give some consideration as to whether you'd like to be on the board of the IPTRA. 

Finally, one of the 185 Building Reps, Alfred Dao, is moving out at the end of August. I'd like to thank Alfred for his work with us, both with helping out at events and also sharing the viewpoint of younger residents in our discussions. As well, it was Alfred who designed the great Towers of Talent posters.