October 2016

Once again, just squeaking under the wire here to get this out in the month of October.

1) Most important item: Halloween!

Once again IPTRA executive will be handing out candy and chips in the lobbies of the buildings. We'll be there between the hours of (roughly) 6:15 and 7:15 or until the candy runs out. We bought less than last year so it might actually run out before January!

No costume needed, anyone passing through the lobby is welcome to stop by and say "trick or treat!" Unleash your inner child!

2) The residents' bookcase in 195.

This is for residents of all buildings. Those in 185 can come over through the underground garage. Those from 200 can either come through the tuck shop or follow someone through the door. Or make friends with someone from 195 and ask them to buzz you in!

Please leave no more books than you take but you can take more than you leave.

Tonight someone moving out dropped off two boxes of books. Not cool. I'm afraid some good books got tossed.

3) Back in September the IPTRA had their annual meeting. The draft of the minutes is attached. Kathryn Holman is continuing as president but is looking for more people to get involved, especially in communications. When this is a one-person show, things like the regular newsletter and announcing the Halloween candy giveaway get left to the last minute. If you think you'd like to help out the IPTRA, please respond to this email message.

4) For residents in 195 with storage lockers on the west side of the building in the basement: double check your storage lockers. The parking lot construction dropped a lot of dust and dirt onto items stored especially for people with lockers on the outside wall. Be prepared to have to wipe things down when you go to get them.

5) Finally, construction is complete on the west side of 195. There's a new sitting area there outside the now reopened door. The IPTRA's hope of a bench in front of 185 was raised with Mrs. Bidgood and she said it was considered but there wasn't a place to install it (it must be bolted down and places where it could be would have been in the way.) The logic of the seating outside the west entrance of 195 is that area will be in the sun when the eastern patio is in the shade. And vice versa. I'm just the messenger here - I don't necessarily agree with the need for the benches there as opposed to in front of the other buildings.

Download this file (2016-09-21 AGM draft minutes.pdf)2016-09-21 AGM draft minutes.pdf[ ]62 kB