September 2017 AGM Minutes

Hello all!

Below are the draft minutes from the September IPTRA AGM.

It was a good meeting with many ideas and the executive will be meeting shortly to firm things up. There were so many ideas, that it looks as if we'll easily have events every month.

One of the ideas was a request for a bookcase in 200 since residents there do not have easy access to the residents' bookcase in 195 now that the tuck shop has closed. We'll go about this the same way as we did at 195, first locate the bookcase, then propose a location for it. Since 200 doesn't have a back lobby, and the owners want the vintage look of the lobbies preserved, we are looking for a bookcase that fits with the 1960's vibe of the lobby. Perhaps something Danish teak. If you know of such a bookcase that might be donated, please let us know so I can prepare a request to the management.

I will be writing soon with more dates and events but in the meantime, don't forget there will be treats in the lobby on Halloween!

The 2017 IPTRA Annual General Meeting was convened on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 7:05pm, presided by Kathryn Holman, President.

The agenda was approved by general agreement, amended to include discussions regarding an interest talk about alcohol, and regarding a bookcase for 200.

Ken Holman volunteered to be the meeting recording secretary.

The minutes of the IPTRA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 were approved as amended to include the year 2016 that was absent.  The motion to approve was made by Janet Cohen and seconded by John Leger.  There were no objections.

Kathryn Holman tabled the IPTRA 2016-2017 President's Report and reviewed its content with attendees.

Ed Ellis tabled the IPTRA Membership Report AGM 2017.09.26 and reviewed its content with attendees.

Lea Kane tabled the Financial Report August 31, 2017 and 2017/2018 Budget and reviewed the content with attendees.  Kathryn Holman recommended that we put more in the budget for summer dessert treats and that we have two summer BBQ events where paid-up IPTRA members are entitled to a free dessert from the tuck shop (should such be available in the future).  The motion to approve this was made by Janice Pereira and seconded by Joyce Clarkson.  There were no objections.

Kathryn Holman then reviewed a description of the executive and non-executive positions available on the IPTRA board.  She indicated the incumbent members were willing to continue in their roles and she invited anyone in attendance to volunteer for any role, occupied or not.  No attendee put their name forward.

Lynne White then read the slate of board positions and the following members were re-elected in their respective roles:

 President - Kathryn Holman
 Treasurer - Lea Kane
 Secretary - volunteer member at each meeting
 Membership - Ed Ellis
 Social - the board as a whole
 Website - Ken Holman
 Building representatives 185: Nancy Hamnes, Roz Taller
 Building representatives 195: Jim Wilson
 Building representatives 200: Janet Cohen, Joe and Joan Pinto
 Non-executive members at large: Julia Brady, John Leger

A recent request from Ottawa Public Health to deliver a special interest talk regarding alcohol was reviewed.  It was agreed to pursue this further and Ed Ellis volunteer to follow up.

Establishing a book/CD/DVD sharing bookcase for 200 was discussed in light of the access to the 195 bookcase being restricted with the close of the tuck shop and the uncertain date of it reopening.  It was agreed to put out the word for the need for a bookcase.

It was agreed that a number of copies of the IPTRA information sheets should be given to building reps so that these can be placed under the door of the apartment of new residents.  Further to this, all members were asked to send a brief note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to contact a board member when they learn about someone moving in to their floor so that the building representative can follow through with the action.

It was agreed that the information sheet should include a comment inviting new residents who may be old or infirm to seek out assistance through the IPTRA to find a kind of "buddy in the building" to help with IPTRA issues or perhaps make contact during fire alarms.

The meeting closed at 8:04pm.