October 2017

October 2017 IPTRA Newsletter
Upcoming Stuff!       Lots of it!!      Mark your calendars!!!

Halloween! We'll be in the lobbies of each building on the 31st, handing out treats from 6:15 until we run out of candy. Drop by for a treat and stay for a visit if you wish!

Celebrate Canada 150! Sunday, November 5, 2:30 - 4:30, lobby of 200

This will be a party to celebrate Canada through song and story, while we share a potluck of light finger foods (sweets, chips & dip or whatever you wish to bring).

Please consider sharing a short (2 - 4 minute) story about a corner of Canada with the group.

December Residents' Party, Sunday December 10, 2:30 - 4:30 in the lobby of 200

Come join us for refreshments, carol singing, and visiting with your neighbours. Everyone is welcome.

Let's Talk About...

Over the winter we hope to be running a "Let's Talk About" series of interest talks.

At this point we are looking at:

Let's Talk About Alcohol (presentation from the city of Ottawa);
Let's Talk about Fraud (presentation by the West Ottawa Rotary Group); and
Let's Talk About Fire Safety (Ottawa Fire's fire extinguisher simulator)

We'll let you know as soon as we get dates for any of these.

Bookcase for 200

We are still looking for a bookcase for 200 so we can set up a residents' library in that building. If you have one to donate, please email me back.

The LTB Rent Review Hearing will be on November 30

Those affected have received a notice of the hearing. This will determine what our rent increase will be (this is still the same application you received last spring, not a new one!)

                    The meeting closed at 8:04pm.